Trailblazer Child and Youth Program

Program Information

What is a Trailblazer CYP Internship?

Trailblazer CYP is a partnership with two objectives. First, we create valuable opportunities for students to experience active life.

Second, we fill critical staffing needs inside US Navy Child and Youth Programs while supporting military families in mission-critical roles.

The Trailblazer CYP internship consists of three parts: 1. Work in Navy CYP installations (40 hours/week) 2. Live virtual class (60 minutes per week) 3. Asynchronous coursework (30-60 minutes each week)

When will I serve?

Trailblazer CYP internships are offered year-round. They are 8-18 weeks long, depending on location, and the dates are not flexible. Most opportunities follow a traditional semester schedule. While many begin in January, May, and September, some start at different points in the year.

Trailblazer CYP internships fill critical staffing needs at US Navy installations. It’s very it’s important to commit to serving the duration of your internship. The option to take time off for vacations, weddings, and other events is not available.

Where will I serve?

Internship locations vary by season. Placements depend on staffing needs at military installations around the world. Past installations include US cities on the east and west coasts as well as cities in Europe and Asia. As Trailblazer CYP continues to grow, more locations could be added!

After you apply, you can state your location preferences. Trailblazer CYP staff will place you in a location based on your preferences, location availability, and your work experience.

How Does It Work?

This is a paid academic internship, which means you’ll earn wages and college credit! Here’s how the finances work:

You are responsible for paying tuition for the credits you earn. Tuition is $255/credit. In stateside locations, you take at least three credits. In overseas locations, you take at least five credits. You also pay for food, recreational travel, and other personal expenses during your internship.

Your deposit is due when you accept your internship offer. It is refundable at the end of your internship when you return your housing, uniform, and rental car in good condition.

You’ll earn $17.20/hour as a Trailblazer CYP intern. You’ll also receive paid housing, paid airfare, and paid local transportation via a rental car or metro pass in most areas.

Stateside interns pay $765 tuition and $500 refundable deposit. Overseas interns pay $1275 tuition, $1000 deposit, and $200 insurance. All interns receive paid housing, airfare, local transportation, and $17.20 per hour.

Program Information FAQs

Do I have to enlist in the military?

No; you will serve as supplemental staff in the civilian sector, so no boot camp required!

What are the essential qualities you look for in applicants?

We value qualities such as dedication, a passion for working with children and youth, adaptability, and a commitment to our mission of making a positive impact in every possible way.

Are there any specific academic requirements to apply for the program?

We welcome applicants from diverse academic backgrounds. We prefer two semesters of college complete and a 2.0 GPA. There is an exemption process available for students who don’t meet these requirements.

Can I take a break during my internship for a vacation or event?

No, the US Navy installations depend on Trailblazer CYP interns to help their programs run smoothly. Please apply for an internship during a time period when you can commit to being at your installation every day for the duration of your internship.


Trailblazer CYP
